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Preserving Circus Culture and Promoting the Art of Happiness

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Missions & objectives

The Fédération Mondiale du Cirque is the only worldwide circus organization,
under the patronage and honorary presidency of H.S.H. Princess Stephanie of Monaco.
The commitments of the Federation are many and varied.

Preserving values and traditions
of the circus arts

The Fédération promotes and helps national organizations to reach the recognition of circus as art-form.
It collaborates to distinguish the high-quality circuses, circus companies from the poor ones; coordinates dialogues between researchers, collectors and professionals.

Achieving cultural recognition 

Urges the circus communities around the globe to work on the inclusion of circus arts, especially traditional circus, into the national registry of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.

Bringing closer the stakeholders
of the international circus community

Via celebrating together World Circus Day, a common feast of the sector, World Circus Day has been initiated by the Fédération and with its 12th edition in 2022, we are on the way to create an important tradition.

Promoting the development
of the art of happiness

The future of the art form depends a lot on the education and preparation of the next generations of artists. FMC founded the Global Alliance of Circus Schools in 2020. It is a closed platform for professional circus schools, which helps and contributes to reach the full potential in creation, production and performance through the sharing of ideas, opportunities and industry contacts based on mutual respect.

Representing the interest of the sector
at national and international level

The Federation worked on developing close working contacts with the european institutions and national governments to enable the sector to take part in the decision-making procedures and to represent the interest of the sector.

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